Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Synthetic Meat

How it's Made:

Synthetic meat can contain many types of ingredients in it. Among those ingredients are soy, pea proteins, and amaranth. Another name for synthetic meat is "in-vitro meat". This is how most corporations make synthetic meat:

1) They begin by taking starting cells from animals.
2) The starting cells are put into a culture media where they can grow independently.
3) After the meat is grown, it is attached to an edible scaffold so it can take on its three-dimensional shape.
4) After the meat is grown, it is put into a bioreactor; in the bioreactor, everything comes together.

Physical Properties of Synthetic Meat:

Some physical properties of synthetic meat are the color of it, how it feels, and the freezing point. For its color, synthetic meat is usually brown or red. It feels kind of bumpy and rough. Its freezing point is 28°F (I could not find the exact freezing point of synthetic meat, but I found out that most meat freezes around 28°F).

Chemical Properties of Synthetic Meat: 

I was not able to find any chemical properties of synthetic meat.

What Does Synthetic Meat Mimic in Nature?

Synthetic meat mimics meat from animals in nature. 

How Will Synthetic Meat Affect the World in the Future?

I believe that synthetic meat will affect the world in a positive way. One thing that it will do is reduce waste that real meat produces. Another thing that it will do is conserve resources unlike real meat. One last benefit that synthetic meat will have on the world is that it will reduce the amount of animals that we have to kill off for meat.

Photo credit: Steve Connor. " 'Close to meat': Foodies underwhelmed by first synthetic beef burger to be eaten in public". Photograph. Web 2013.

Info credit: 

1) Tom Foster. "Can Artificial Meat Save the World?" [Web] Date Accessed: March 16, 2015. Retrieved From: http://www.popsci.com/article/science/can-artificial-meat-save-world
2) N.p. "Cultured Meat". [Web] Date Accessed: March 16, 2015. Retrieved From: http://www.futurefood.org/in-vitro-meat/index_en.php

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